Chayka pool

Self-service kiosk for sports and fitness center

About project

One of the most famous swimming pool complexes in Moscow, combines 3 heated outdoor pools which open all year, gym, workout area, summer beach area, as well as various sports and health group trainings.

Customer chose self-service kiosk with Smartix software to automate the sale of memberships, accept payments and allow customers to carry out independent transactions with their club cards. The solution offers an alternative to cash desk, provides modern window for selling services with flexible options, which is in demand among visitors and significantly reduces queues.


The devices automate routine operations and offer convenient and modern service format:

  • Client’s personal account for purchasing one-time trainings or cards (memberships) with set of services
  • Functional training showcase with the ability to make appointment and pay in a couple of touches
  • Payment cart for purchasing trainings
  • Flexible club membership card management with the possibility of extending and freezing memberships under certain conditions
After signing the agreement and registering in the club system, the client receives club card. Standard kiosk is used to independently regulate payments for receiving, renewing and managing services.

For clients who do not want to make registration and authorization, one-time access to services without authorization is possible. It is also possible to organize one-time announcements of trial trainings.


Interface includes customizable training showcase with the ability to make appointment, edit orders and pay with description and breakdown by category.


Fitness clubs are increasingly looking to self-service kiosks to automate the sale of training packages, accept payments and allow customers to independently manage with their membership cards. Self-service devices offer modern service providing window and significantly reduce employee costs.
Well-thought-out solution from leading developer combines experience of implementation in large regional fitness networks and independent clubs and takes into account the industry specificities faced by business owners in fitness and wellness industry. If customer requires custom solution, the flexibility of Smartix software allows for making unique project with specific software and hardware requirements.
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