Smartix self-service kiosks support integration with iikoCloud

Our software for self-checkouts and self-service kiosks integrated with iikoCloud, one of the most popular accounting systems for cafes, restaurants and fast food establishments.

Self-service kiosks with iiko support

To date, over 45000 catering establishments use iiko to automate and optimize their business processes. At the same time, for some of the enterprises, the ability to manage the kitchen, purchases, production and personnel are not the main thing. Many establishments implement iiko as an alternative to the 1C inventory system — to maintain product base and launch self-checkout software.

Difficulties of iiko owners when implementing self-service kiosks and solution from Smartix

iiko basically offers very limited tools for managing the display window for self-service kiosks. The functionality is understandable to the cashier, but for the average user it is not presentable — inappropriate menu structure and image formats, insufficient description.

Our integration process with iiko is based on our standard integration algorithm with other accounting systems. It includes synchronizing the product base with our system, building menu in the format required by the customer, uploading your own images, replacing descriptions, etc., and ultimately displaying the formed showcase on the kiosk. Our mechanism solves a lot of problems, simplifies the launch of kiosks and showcase management for iiko owners!

Despite the fact that at the moment functionality of Smartix is ​​partially inferior to direct work with iikoFront, it is continuously being improved in accordance with the planned solution roadmap. We aim to achieve a level comparable in functionality to iikoFront, and all the features will be available to all our existing and potential clients as they are implemented.

Why Smartix self-service kiosks and self-checkouts

Our solution is best choice for you if you need:

  • Get a high-quality, modern, easy user interface on the kiosk, with the ability to customize menu, upload images of dishes/products, add descriptions
  • Get rid of routine operations of exchanging information between kiosk or self-checkout and commodity accounting system and get fully automated solution
  • Control warehouse stocks in real time for ordering dishes from menu at kiosk or balance of goods (finished food products) for self-checkout

Easy installation and launch

Our system supports integration via Front, when kiosk software directly interacts with iiko without the involvement of Smartix server. However, now the preferred option is integration with iikoCloud.

Differences between integration with iikoCloud and integration with iikoFront

iikoCloud iikoFront
  • No plugin required
  • Plugin installation is required
  • Data exchange occurs at the server level, flexible solution
  • Problems with showcase: when displaying menu, hiding some items, etc.
  • Any OS is supported, including Linux
  • Only Windows OS is supported
  • How information exchange is ensured

    Data exchange between Smartix and iiko uses an online format — information about menu, orders and payments is synchronized in real time. If necessary, kiosks and self-checkouts can operate offline with a number of restrictions.

    Online exchange

    Self-service kiosks with iiko integration support

    + Online data about products, dishes, modifiers, etc. − Temporary stop of self-checkout or kiosk in case of loss of connection
    + Easy work with large databases

    Work offline

    Our system supports offline operation in inventory control systems, such as 1C or MyWarehouse, but in the case of iiko there are a number of aspects.

    General algorithm is based on offline interaction to reduce the number of requests, ensure responsiveness of the interface with minimal delays, but when working with stop lists, before the kiosk starts working, online data is requested at menu items that need to be excluded due to the lack of components. After order is creates, it is checked again through stop lists via an online request.

    In the same way, for example, online interaction is required for automatic discounts for the order to work. In this case, iiko transfers data about discount to the Smartix system for goods in the cart formed by the visitor on the kiosk.


    Thanks to implemented integration, any catering establishment using iiko can easily launch self-service kiosks with menu showcase to automate the creation of orders and payment acceptance, ensuring the required information exchange.

    If establishment needs self-checkout for selling finished products, our self-service checkouts will provide the required sales, and if necessary, the functionality of selecting products from the menu catalog and scanning products can be combined in one device!

    Our solution allows us to cover needs of any catering establishments: cafes, bars, restaurants, canteens to launch interactive menus at self-service devices, as well as cake shops, bakeries, retail with their own production of finished products to implement self-checkout solutions based on self-service checkouts.

    Self-service kiosks with iiko support

    In addition to functional software solution, we offer various models of self-checkouts and self-service kiosks in the format of ready-made turnkey software and hardware complex. And if your establishment already has self-service devices and you need modern, flexible solution, we will transfer them to our system in the shortest possible time!